The Secret To Getting Started and Not Quitting

Oftentimes when people are asked to think about the dreams and desires they have for their life they think about the things they would like to possess or achieve. I am a big believer that there is nothing wrong with wanting a beach house, nice cars, or being able to travel the world. As a matter of fact, most of the time I see people hold themselves back from thinking really big for fear that they don’t deserve it or that they are being greedy.

When those emotions are involved, while people are pursuing their dreams, they will inevitably quit when faced with any obstacles in their path; if they ever start at all.   We so easily settle and resign ourselves to being okay with just okay, all the while never feeling completely fulfilled and excited about our lives.

The secret to getting through the walls of fear, doubt, rejection, and possible ‘mistakes’ is having something you want MORE than the house and the cars. We become very comfortable when we have a roof over our heads and food on the table, but when faced with obstacles those “dream things” immediately become negotiable.

When I wrote my first vision letter (which I still have!) at the age of 27,   the description of my dream life was mostly about the kind of person I wanted to become, and especially the kind of mom I wanted to be and the relationship I wanted to have with my kids. I included a lot about the core values I wanted to exemplify to them, how we spent our time as a family, plus having the freedom and flexibility to be with them wherever and whenever needed. THESE desires were catalysts on all the days I wanted to quit and were non-negotiable.

How could I quit on these faces? I started my first business in network marketing when my son, Cole, was two and I was pregnant with my daughter, Laurel. This allowed me that freedom and flexibility (which are still two of my top core values) I needed to be involved in their lives and still achieve what I also desired as a person. As I look at these pictures I am SO grateful that I was such a part of their lives, especially now that Cole is gone. I have zero regrets, many amazing memories, and gratitude for that time, especially because it went by so fast!

Now that Laurel has a growing family, freedom and flexibility is even more important. I am making decisions about how and where I am going to live and operate my coaching business so I can be of some help to Laurel, to her family and build a relationship with my grandson, Pryce. Neither these decisions nor actions are easy for me.  I am facing an entirely new level of internal growth, but when I look at his face, I know it’s all going to be worth it.

My questions for your reflection today:

  • If you are finding that you simply can’t get started on that dream or you are inconsistent in your pursuit of that dream, could it be that you haven’t truly become clear on what is absolutely non-negotiable?
    Are you willing to let another irreplaceable day go by, not living it full out for the people you love?

  • Are you willing to let another irreplaceable day go by, not living it full out for the people you love?

I wish you love, fulfillment, and peace, today and always.


Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself


What Freedom Means to Me