Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

For me, this year has been filled with many personal and physical changes. These changes have all been 100% my choice, but I am not going to lie, it’s been very challenging.

Physically, I have put myself in an entirely new environment and it is taking time to adjust, moreover, I have let go of ‘doing’ all the things that I had been accustomed to doing.

I strongly felt that I needed to make space for something bigger; something I am envisioning to come.

Have you ever felt or known that you have "outgrown yourself" and felt the pull to expand, even though it meant changing your environment inside and outside?

In Dr. Joe Dispenza’s book, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself he writes: "When one holds a dream independent of the environment, that is greatness." He was referring to all of the amazing people in history that even though they had undergone tremendous adversity, failures, less than comfortable upbringing, and lifestyles, they were able to achieve greatness because their VISION for their future was bigger than their present circumstances.

They were so completely absorbed in their vision it was as if they were already there, and this allowed them to not feel the weight of their current circumstances or environment. These people weren't even bothered by the negative comments from naysayers, many of whom were close family members and friends; they were able to persevere no matter what. How could they not persist when they fully lived in knowing their mission and their greatness?

YOU, my friend, also have a mission to achieve greatness! I am writing this today, as much for you as for me, as a reminder that we are not to play small in this world.
Get your head and your heart so ‘all in’ on your vision, that it becomes your single focus and your ‘armor of hope’ shielding you from whatever circumstances and environment you are in at the moment.

Keep Looking Up!


The One Thing, That Is EVERYTHING


The Secret To Getting Started and Not Quitting