Finding your 'Who' before your 'What'

My Virtual Assistant and I (who is amazing by the way, if you are looking for one!) agreed in an email chat this week that we both can sense a ‘Society is tired’ kind of feeling going on in the world right now. Are you feeling that, too?

Maybe it’s just me and the state I am in personally, but I see so many people questioning all the things they do and have in their life, and some are making some big, bold shifts. I shared with you in my last email and post that I have had this overwhelming tug to do less and allow space in my life to really follow God’s will and vision for my life. This might also have something to do with the fact that I turned 60 this month - yikes! Yet, everywhere I look, I see people (even the high overachievers like yours truly) being courageous enough to let some things go, even if it means changing financial status, careers, and relationships.

My new mentor/coach, Brian Bogart, calls this putting the ‘who’ before the ‘what’. I have been working on this the past three months, and it has been some of the hardest work I have ever done. It involves a whole new level of self-respect, changing old mindsets about rest vs. work, and above all, not filling up my calendar to validate my life.

I talked to a young 32-year-old friend of mine yesterday and told him to work on this now because it’s WAY more difficult when you are my age!

Here are some ways I have made some progress in such a short time:

  • First hour of the day is spent breathing, praying, journaling, affirmations, and most especially NO PHONE!

  • I put the fun activities on my calendar first, including spending time with my daughter’s family, playing with my grandson, Pilates, conversations with friends and new colleagues, and trips. Traveling fills me up so much, and there are so many places I want to see this summer! I am also exploring some new hobbies to stay creative, Fit, and meet new people.

  • I have told people what I am doing and why and have asked them to give me some grace and space.

  • I have a new mantra written on my whiteboard that says, “Do only what I love, less of what I tolerate, and none of what I really dislike.’ So if something gets presented to me, or I think it up, and my first reaction is ‘I don’t wanna’ ….then I don’t. It feels so great!

I am excited for the summer months to keep practicing this, especially to see the bigger vision come to life! As a speaker, author, and coach, I am still very confident that finding this balance in my life will make me SO much better for all of you and the people coming that I am called to serve.

Are you feeling this need also to Pause and Reassess who you are being and what you are doing before this year gets away from you?


Summer of Hope


Dissolving and Evolving