Without This I Would Be Lost

It's all we can do some days to get through our feelings of discouragement, fear, insecurity, and sometimes grief. It is human to have those days and to acknowledge our feelings so we can learn to honor and move through them.


As you know, I have had my fair share of major adversities to live through and am still on the journey of healing. To be honest, even though it has been over nine years since losing half my family, this year has been one of the hardest so far. I am putting a lot of work into finally dealing with the grief and the trauma.


Although I have read many books and have been in groups that help with the healing (and continue to do so), there is one thing that has truly saved me: It's my faith in knowing that God and my loved ones are with me constantly, we will be reunited, and that God's plan is the perfect plan. 


Through this “knowing” I have been leaning more into that faith and trusting my intuition to connect to their love and energy. When I can feel their peace and love, I can choose to override the agonizing feelings of sadness and dwelling too much in the past. It truly has become a commitment to do first thing in the day and has become sacred time for me.


My hope is, if you are struggling with your own adversity, that you have the foundation of faith and knowing that God's presence and love is always with you.


“…I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:20


My Husband’s Legacy


Creating Anchors To Weather The Storms