Taking Stock of Your Life

When was the last time you sat down, looked closely at your life and did an assessment?

On a recent flight home, I was listening to Jay Shetty. He was proposing undertaking an exercise to take stock of your life.  A few of the questions he suggested were:

What do you spend your days doing? What gives you energy and what drains you? Are there things you are still doing simply out of habit without thinking about how effective they are? What are you still saying ‘yes’ that you should no longer be doing?

I have asked myself these questions many times, but the game changer for me in this exercise was the next question he posed:

What are you going to eliminate because you no longer want to TOLERATE it or ALLOW it?

This perspective was eye opening for me. I got out my pen, made a list and I can already feel this has created a shift in me.

There is no time to lose, no time like the present, and tomorrow is not promised to us. “Don’t brag about tomorrow, since you don’t know what the day will bring” Proverbs 27:1 (CSB)

I want everything I do and how I show up to be 100% authentic. This inspires me to do and to be only my best, and most of all, allows me to love others and myself more.

Love, Carey


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