My Dedication To National Suicide Prevention Month

As many of you know, I have lost both my husband and my son to suicide and I am on a mission to change the trajectory of this epidemic. 

In honor of National Suicide Prevention Month, I am highlighting people on my podcast this month who have been touched by suicide in their life by the loss of a loved one or have thought about ending their own life, as well as people who are on this mission to end suicide, too.

This week's podcast is with my friend Suzi Freeman who thought about ending her life at a young age and has now created the 'Zero Youth Suicide' campaign. Please listen to our interview, subscribe & share, and read this information on how to support her campaign to empower teens!

Suzi Freeman, Ms. Elite Arizona, is on a mission to certify over 2000 Teens in QPR, Suicide Prevention, and Recognition because awareness is just not enough!!

Suzi is a Certified QPR Instructor who created the Teen Warrior Box to help encourage teens to get certified. The Teen Warrior Box comes with live certification training, a Teen Warrior t-shirt to let kids know who is capable of supporting, a digital 12-week happiness course and a coping and resilience course, as well as a course for the parents to help remove their fears around discussing mental health and suicide.

If you would like to help support this mission, please visit


Helping Kids Find Their Purpose To Prevent Suicide


My Husband’s Legacy