You CAN change how you are feeling by doing this…

There are very few things in life that are truly outside of our control. I realize you know this, but do we really apply this truth when things get really tough?


For example, the things that are within our control, how do we manage those things to improve the quality of our daily lives? One strategy that has helped me is making the choice to shift my perspective of the situation; to actually change how I see and feel about it. I believe this to be a three step process:


First, we have to believe that we CAN actually make this shift in our perspective.  Too many times, we feel, and even state out loud, that what is happening to us is something we can't change. Start with the commitment to change your belief, because it will be impossible to take steps two and three without making this perception shift.


Second, acknowledge the situation and how you are feeling about it. Look at the situation objectively and remove as much emotion associated with it as you can. Easier said than done, I know! 


Bonus: When this is practiced with less intense situations, you will notice the ability to handle the bigger adversities comes with much more ease and peace.


Last of all, look for and start implementing ways in which you see things from a different perspective.  Begin by asking God to show you the lesson in the situation.  Be open to new ideas that come to you and talk it out with a friend who is good at seeing things in a better light. Connect with people who have been through similar situations and figured out a way to change how they both viewed and reacted to circumstances. Having a strong community is the key!


Remember: Do not close a door before looking for the window, and be aware that MIRACLES (my word for the year) do happen with Faith.


Bozo The Clown


Thinking = Feeling = Actions = Results